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Lies From the Warminster Democrats Won't Stop Bob Guarini

Writer: GOP BloggerGOP Blogger

Who is Bob Guarini?

Well, Bob is just a regular guy with deep roots in Warminster. He not only spent most of his younger years in Warminster, he raised his own family here, and his son also bought his first home in the township. Bob’s children attended Nativity of Our Lord elementary school and Archbishop Wood High School. Bob has been very active in Warminster over the years, including coaching little league, serving for several years as a volunteer firefighter, as well as being active in the Nativity of Our Lord Parish, where he was co-chair of the Nativity carnival for several years.

It's a shame that when the Democrats have a candidate who is short on substance, they resort to negative campaign tactics. Yes, Philly politics have come to Warminster. Why not? After all, most of the money that funds the Democrats come from Philly unions. What this means is that the local Democrat party has to do what they’re told, like lowering the threshold of the Responsible Contractor Ordinance to a level that effectively shuts out nearly every local small contractor, in favor of Philly union firms who are sending all of their money to towns like Warminster. Or, when that’s not enough, they find the first union guy and run him for office, just like Bob’s opponent in this race.

In their latest mailer, it’s claimed that Bob has lied about the current Democrat Supervisors, yet they can’t point to a single lie Bob has told.

What are the facts?

Sale of the Storm Water System

The Democrats claim that they won’t sell the Water Authority. Well, Bob doesn’t support that either. As a matter of fact, Bob was against selling any township assets, including the Storm Water system that the Democrats sold. That sale put $6 million in the bank for the township, but it also gave us the “rain tax” that we now pay as part of our water bill each month. The average property owner in the township now pays anywhere from $120-$150/year for this “rain tax”, and many homeowners pay quite a bit more. This “rain tax” is tantamount to raising township taxes by 20%.

Supporting the Police

The Democrats keep telling us that they support the police. Between the start of the current regime’s term through the beginning of 2023, the number of uniformed officers in Warminster has shrunk from 44 to 32 officers. Can you imagine how many officers we’d have if they didn’t support the police?

Raising Taxes

The Democrats continually tell us that they solved our financial problems without raising taxes. The fact is that in their first year (2020), they increased our taxes by over 35%. Then, in 2022 taxes were increased by another 4.3%. In total, the Democrats have increased taxes by nearly 41% in their first three years as the majority. This DOES NOT include the aforementioned "rain tax." The only reason they haven’t raised taxes in the past year is because the increases in their first three years were the maximum allowed by state law.

Paid positions for the politically connected

If you go through the roster of committee and board members in the township, it’s a “who’s who” of the local Democrat party. This is especially true for the paid positions on the Zoning Hearing Board and the Planning Commission. It’s literally loaded with Warminster Democrat committee people. It also seems as though when they have a candidate who loses an election, the Democrat Supervisors gives that person a consolation prize by appointing them to one of the paid positions on one of these boards, or the Water Authority Board, which is also a paid position. We won’t even get into the fact that one of our Democrat Supervisors double dips by not only being paid to be a Supervisor, but also gets paid to sit on the Water Authority Board.

We have Surplus?

We’re continually told that there’s a $5 million surplus for the Township, yet every time something needs to be done in the township we’re told that we just don’t have the money. Despite getting $6 million for the sale of the Storm Water System, over $1 million EVERY YEAR since the great tax hike of 2020, plus saddling the taxpayers with a 20-year $12 million loan, you’d think we’d have more money in surplus. Speaking of that loan, did you know that much of the Community Park upgrades were included in that loan, as was the purchase of Shenandoah Woods, and the first 20 miles of paved roads that was completed a couple of years ago? Yes, we’ll be paying for those things for the next 20 years.

The Bottom Line

After 4 years of Democrat control of the township, we have massive long term debt, high taxes and an inability to keep up with required pension payments for our police officers. As our township has grown and crime in Bucks County has increased, the Warminster Police Department has shrunk to unsafe levels. On top of that, if you are politically connected and a Democrat, there’s probably a paid township position in your future.

Bob Guarini wants to be a Warminster Township Supervisor so he can help stop all of the political nonsense that is so prevalent over the past several years in Warminster. He has a commonsense approach to governing and can’t be bought by the Philly unions, or anyone else for that matter. A vote for Bob is a vote for honest and transparent local government.


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